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Intuitive movement: Your Inner Dance

Sunday Sept 18th 9.30am -4pm Vegan lunch, snacks and teas included.

  • Ended
  • 75 British pounds
  • Ryton Village Hall, Near Dorrington, Shropshire SY5 7NB

Service Description

Sept 18th Intuitive Movement: Finding your Inner Dance Traditionally a yoga class is led by the teacher and the student follows. As we move towards mastery, we begin to connect with our inner teacher; moving beyond posture sequences into the realm of creative flow. From the stillness of connection arises your intuitive impulse to move and breath in a way that eases your body from discomfort into a state of fluidity and grace; leading to a place where your yoga practice becomes a spontaneous dance with the pulse of life. Bring along your anxiety about "getting it right". We'll face those fears with full bodied acceptance, no judgement, lots of laughter and a release into the joy that only playful movement can bring!

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