Yoga and Creative Writing Workshops
with Jackie Jones and Éva Cserháti
Have you always wanted to write but don’t know how or where to begin?
Do you have a self-conscious inner critic that stifles your creativity?
Would you like to access a place from which your writing will naturally flow?
These sessions are for everyone!
You don't have to have any previous training in creative writing, and it doesn't matter if you are more of a poet or an aspiring fiction writer. All writing levels and genres are welcome.
The yoga practices will be simple and accessible. You will just need to be able to get up and down from the floor unaided.
Who are the workshops for?
Finding your Authentic Voice
Friday 22nd Sept, 10 am – 1 pm, Triratna Buddhist Centre, Castlefields
Are you afraid people will find your writing boring because you have nothing new or original to say?
We never tire of reading the same stories about love, loss and triumph over adversity because they are told by different people with unique backgrounds and experiences. A story is engaging when it is believable and touches the reader on a deeply emotional level.
Finding and listening to your authentic voice is the first and most important step in discovering this
originality. Meditative movement and creative writing exercises will sharpen your hearing, focus
your mind and help silence your fear of failure. You will learn how the power of yoga can be
applied to your art to find and express your unique wellspring of creativity.
45 British pounds
We often feel the urge to write, but we don't know what or how. This hesitation opens the space for paralysing fears and censoring voices that can ultimately stifle the desire to create.
Creativity is wired into our body, a muscle that can be easily strengthened. The body contains myriad sensations, experiences and memories unique to us that can be developed into a piece of prose or poetry. A story finds it's origins in the body.
Through mindful movement and creative writing exercises you will discover how naturally rich you are in stories and
find the tools to bring them out into the light.
Writing the Body
Friday 6th Oct, 10 am – 1 pm, Triratna Buddhist Centre
45 British pounds
Jackie Jones has been sharing her love of yoga for over 25 years. She is an experienced retreat leader and skilled in guiding others to move through self-limiting beliefs into the freedom of self-expression.
Éva Cserháti is a Hungarian-British creative writing instructor and successful author, with 25 years of experience in teaching, writing and translating. She believes that the craft of writing can be learned and that everybody has an authentic voice and many stories to tell.
To learn more about her, visit: